We've updated our Watchlist app with the following enhancements;
Watchlists are organized into My and Shared groups
Watchlists are now organized into two main categories
My - Will list all your own created watchlist
Shared - Will list any watchlist that are shared with you from any of the KlickAnalytics user.
A Watchlist can be "Save As"
A watchlist can now be "Save As". This will copy all the symbols from the original watchlist to the new watchlist.
A Watchlist can be "Shared"
A watchlist can now be "Shared"
You can share your watchlist with any of the users in KlickAnalytics platform.
You can share your watchlist with 1,000+ users.
You will have full control to enable and disable access of a user to your watchlist.
This will allow you to collaborate and share ideas with your own users.
Sharing a watchlist is very easy!
Select your watchlist, and add username to share!
To access: From the top menu, select Tools > Watchlist