We've enhanced our internal database to have all securities to be classified by our;
Global Sectors and Industry Classificaiton
GIC Sectors, Industry and Sub Industry Classification
1. Select peers analysis based on Global and GIC Codes
With the above, we've udpated our symbol Peers app with the following abilities;
User can select to view company peers based on following classifications
Global Sector
Global Industry
GIC Sector
GIC Industry
GIC Sub Industry
In addition, we also highlight the current company data, so that you can compare with the rest of the companies in the data table.
2. Ability to compare securities within your watchlist
Yes, you can also check the peers with your securities within your wtchlist too!
The above will allow our users to analyze companies on standard global and GIC based classifications, as well the ability to compare the compny with their own list of securities in their watchlist, all in one place!
To access: Search for any symbol say A, and then from left symbol menu, select Peers