It is important to know what securities are on the 'Threshold List'. Both NASDAQ and NYSE provide that list on daily basis. KlickAnalytics collects those information, and we've created a new app called 'Threshold List'. By defination, The Threshold List contains a list of stocks that have a total "fail to deliver" position with the following criteria:
Five consecutive settlement days at a registered clearing agency, and
"Fail to deliver" stock totals 10,000 shares or more, and
The failed shares are equal to at least 0.5% of the issuers total shares outstanding.
We also create a historical trend chart where our users can view total number of securities that were on the threshold from time to time. Also, our users can filter results based on
Exchange selection say NASDAQ or NYSE
By Sectors
By Security Type (e.g. Common Stocks, ETFs, Warrants and more)
To access: From the top menu, select Stocks > Threshold List